What is fertigation?
Fertigation refers to the delivery of fertilizers through the irrigation system. This delivery method takes the guess-work out of feeding your lawn!
Fertigation refers to the delivery of fertilizers through the irrigation system. This delivery method takes the guess-work out of feeding your lawn!
Fertilizer delivered through the irrigation system results in plant uptake of as much as 90% of the nutrients, ensuring a healthier lawn and far less run-off than traditional fertilizers. Fertigation has been around for more than 50 years in the agricultural and golf course markets, and is now affordable for the residental landscape.
The Waterboys Irrigation uses fertilizers that are classified as "non-hazardous" but are highly effective. The dispensing system we install releases fertilizer into the irrigation system; the sprinkler heads water and fertilize in trace amounts at the same time. This is far more effective than traditional drop-spreader methods, which result in about a 40% uptake rate and pose a higher risk of chemical exposure to children and pets.
Say goodbye to the mess and inconvenience of bags of fertilizer and drop-spreaders. The Waterboys Irrigation will put you on a schedule to apply the spring fertilizer with the spring start-up service, augment with a summer fertilizer in June, and apply the final fall fertilizer in August. Nothing could be easier!